For the past several days, i have been thinking about why sex was such a desperate need for me to feel good or wanted in any way. I grew up in a home where i didn't feel nurtured, seen, or heard. I was very neglected by both parents and sheltered. My first memory of any physical or emotional connection was one when an older sister of mine had me kiss her on the mouth and put my hands in her pants. I was probably 3 or 4 years old, but i remember what it felt like. Honestly and of course i feel uncomfortable saying it, but it was my first memory of what it felt like to be loved or nurtured. Then was i 9-11 years old I was molested by a male cousin who i was very close to and saw him as my brother. Most of the time, it happened in my parents bedroom and when he would do things to me in the beginning, i was scared and confused. I wanted my Mom to come in the room and save me but no one ever checked on us. I ended up just staying quiet the whole time and felt he's doing this because he cares about me and my cousin wouldn't do anything to hurt me. I ended up liking how it felt to. Was i forcing myself to like it? Why?
I grew up with nothing but boys and when they became teenagers they started to like me and wanted to do things with me. I thought they were cute, but i was really into girls, but i didn't want to let them down so i did things with some of them in order to not be shut out from them. And a few times i had sex with guys, i did it because i thought that was what i was supposed to do and i wanted them to like me and not leave me. I would also watch late night HBO or Cinemax as a teenager to watch women have sex with men. I realize now, that's the only way i felt people connected with each other. That was the only way to feel loved, good, wanted or cared for. There was no talking about feelings in my home growing up. When i became sexual with women at 23, that's all i thought about was when we would have sex. I didn't know what to expect or what to do, that's all i knew and felt i was good at. I was never interested with talking to people or connecting with them because having sex was the only way i could "talk" to them. I felt as long as i have sex with them, they won't leave me and they will like me.
This was the same for the relationship with my BS. I put all my eggs in a basket as far as sex not once thinking about everything else that's important that is required or fundamental for a relationship to work. I even told BS I was dominant in all my relationships and how i was good at being intimate which for me equated sex. I have always been an attention seeking person because of my low self-esteem or insecurities with myself. I would also sexually objectify women and men and even now discovered that i self objectify myself. Why is this okay? As much as i worked hard for people to want me sexually or to gain attention in any way, i deep down felt miserable and ended up ruining so many relationships and even with friends. I only wanted certain friends because i liked them more than just a friend. Once i was combatted about me trying to control my BS with sex or doing anything external to keep the relationship going, i lost it emotionally. I felt helpless and angry. I felt losing control meant i had nothing and people would start to see me for who i really was. I wanted to explode. I was angry at everyone in sight. I eventually sought other women and tried to get anyone's attention whether you were a man or a woman. I wanted to be wedged in anyone's life whether they liked me or not.
It's miserable though. None of this s*** brings happiness ever. It's a high this minute, this hour, that day or night. I have been feeling pretty down lately, but i try to resort saying it's things that really aren't the deeper rooted answer to the feelings. It's me, i am finally sitting with me. Not trying to seek someone to make me forget about this feeling. I cheated because i knew i could have sex with a person and that's all i wanted and i didn't have to talk about my feelings. I could escape them. I did the shitty thing of blame shifting when i knew all along i pulled the trigger that blew up everything.
I have been talking with people that are safe lately and the connection feels better and different than if i sought them in toxic ways. I honestly feel like so much weight has been lifted and it's relieving. However, it only really matters to have these conversations with my BS who i have abandoned and sit in all that i have caused for so long. To make amends and let her get inside of my thoughts, feelings, how's and they why's.
I needed to let this out, feel free to chime in..
[This message edited by ChanceAtLife35 at 1:37 AM, February 24th (Wednesday)]