I am also aware this is very selfish talk
I don't think so. I think you are trying to understand yourself, with the goal of becoming a safer person for yourself and your partner. I see no selfishness in that. That seems like the goal.
This post isn't coming from a place of shame
I am not trying to punish myself by staying stuck there
If you've done things you thought were irredeemable
Is it wrong to even be questioning this?
Shame, let me introduce you to Neanderthal. Neanderthal, meet my friend shame. You two have a lot more in common than you are admitting to yourselves. :)
I think this is different from loving yourself.
Absolutely. Loving yourself is the key to answering to most of your questions (in my opinion).
That nothing can ever make up for our past behavior. Basically, stop doing more harm and live.
This, my friend, is most of your answer in a nutshell.
What comes across most to me is that you seem to be thinking in absolutes. Good and bad, right or wrong, redeemable or irredeemable. The thing is, people, and life, just aren't that simple. You are a complex person. Allow yourself some grace for the things in your life that you are not proud of. Yes, you did those things, and yes, they were choices and actions that will likely never be okay or acceptable. However, they are only chapters in a larger story, not the entire story itself. Whether or not you choose to stay stuck in that chapter, or move on with the story, is up to you.
If my daughter dates someone that puts her through the horrible atrocities I put my ex-wife through. I would view that person to be irredeemable. So therefore I find myself irredeemable as well.
You make a great point here. Is that really irredeemable? Let's change the story a bit. Let's say your daughter is the one that ends up being the cheater. Is she now irredeemable? Will you kick her out of the house, block her calls, and tell her she's dead to you from now on? Because if I follow your line of reasoning, that seems to be the only logical and acceptable choice to be made, right? Do you feel she should suffer for the rest of her life, and reside herself to being "less than". Because you are correct, she can't take it back. So what is her fate? What is her definition? How do you see her now?
My guess, my HOPE, is that you would still love your daughter every bit as much as always. Even though she fucked up. Even though she's flawed. Even though she did something that cannot be forgiven. Not because you are her Dad, although that certainly plays a part. But because she is a beautiful human being that deserves love, deserves joy, and deserves a little grace in her life. That doesn't mean that you have to tell her that what happened was okay. It isn't forgotten. But it is just part of her story. It does not define her entire existence. In truth, helping her face her demons might actually bring you closer together, rather than farther apart.
Now, replace everything I said with yourself instead of your daughter, and understand that you too, are not just the choices you made that you regret. You are the choices you make going forward as well. You use the mistakes of the past, not as an anchor that weighs you down, but as a stepping stone, a lesson, a model which you can use to base your life on moving forward.
Look, flowers grow in shit. I know that's a silly example, but honestly, it is the truth. Infidelity is shit, and it always will be, but that doesn't mean, in any way, that flowers cannot grow from it. In my opinion, the real crime is in NOT allowing the flowers to grow. Which is what shame does. It gets you stuck. It is hard to see your way to feeling worthy when so much makes us feel unworthy. But flowers grow in shit.
Here is the thing. The real sin here is in not growing. Not changing. Not loving yourself. In a way, it makes things worse, because it means that all that bad stuff happened for absolutely no reason. Sleeping beauty eats the poisoned apple and stays dead, because Prince Charming feels too guilty to allow himself to kiss her, and save her. The only time you fail, and the only thing that makes infidelity irredeemable, is in not making something better come from it. And that is 100% on you.
I'd like you to please consider the following. How it would make you feel if your daughter said this about you?
Yeah, my dad hurt the family pretty bad when the affair came to light. I was crushed. I didn't know how to feel other than hurt, and worse yet, I didn't know how to feel about him. He was always the one person who I could trust to love me and make me feel safe, you know? And that came crashing down. And I wasn't sure how to ever forgive him.
But then, things changed. HE changed. I know he fucked up, but you should have seen him working hard to make things better between us. We learned how to talk to each other. He put aside his own pain and leaned into mine, and it made me feel better to have him there as my shoulder to cry on. He owned what he did to us, no excuses. I think most people would try to deny or minimize it, but he just loved me enough to put my feelings first. And it felt like I had my Dad back, my rock. He showed me how an adult overcomes their mistakes and missteps. He's not perfect and that's okay, I'm not either. But he's my Dad, and while he has his demons, he worked really hard, and still does, to overcome them. I am actually proud of my Dad for that. For being the responsible person/parent/husband and taking ownership of who he is and how he lives his life. We all make mistakes, and he made a doozy, but I love him, and I have no doubt that he loves me because he works hard every day to show me so.
The book of your life is still unfinished Neanderthal. And you get to write the next chapter. I know this might sound like sappy "love yourself" bullshit and I get that. But it is actually how healthy people operate. People will see you for who you are, not who you were, at least, not as long as you are not still that same, unsafe person. The truth is, no one wants to see you fail, or be stuck, or hating yourself. Redemption is always an option, but it is not given, it is earned. So go earn it. Not from others, but from yourself. And everyone else will follow your lead. That's how it works.