H had an affair all last summer and afterwards TT , minimized and I would say in some forms gaslighted me. Because of alll of these things we agreed that his IC would be once a week and marriage counseling would be put on hold.Hell I didn’t cheat , he did. I am so mad because tonight my H comes home and says his counselor wants to see him once a month now because of the amount of progress he’s made. Don’t get me wrong he has the steps below he’s done.
1. Acknowledged he had the affair due to porn , not feeling worthy, not loving himself, feeling worthless because of his dead end job.
2. Has been porn free for three months
3. Quit his job immediately and is making almost $10 more an hour.
4. Has been accountable for all whereabouts and all passwords shared.
5. He offered his bank statements , went through them his timeline given matches his statements.
6. Is more invovlved at home with me and the kids.
7. Has let me basically focus on myself and he does the chores, dinners, whatever.
8. Quit his band. (35 years old , it’s about time we focus on our four kids)
9. Has told our family, close friends what he did.
Yes those are HUGE, with that being said I still don’t feel safe because I feel like it’s not enough counseling? I mean he got to his why pretty quickly but what the hell about the how? The coping mechanisms , I just don’t feel like someone so selfish cant change so fast. When I brought this up to my H he said that the counselor said that he needs to read some books he recommended but he is making huge steps , which yes he is but what about his thought process? He said he wants us to see our marriage counselor , my marriage didn’t fail…. I’m already in IC and unfortunately have to go two to three times a month because I have so much trauma from it.
Here my H is going once a month!!?
Yes, my h has made huge steps and he has grown from being a defensive jerk to starting to show signs of real remorse and doing work on his own but I feel like something needs to happen for it to stick. Or is there something that develops over time without constant counseling ?
What is the thoughts on the importance of counseling ?
Maybe im pissed I have to go more than him when he’s the selfish jerk who did this and I feel like he’s getting away with less.
I stupidly feel like now he’s some saint and I’m the bad guy that can’t heal …. If that makes sense?
[This message edited by Groot1988 at 2:35 AM, Friday, March 15th]