I’m still "freshish" to infidelity and definitely not able to provide much for "expert" advice as I’m still learning so much myself, but I thought I might chime in with my experience.
I made a post not too long ago along the lines of what role a (bad) marriage plays in infidelity and/or if it contributes to it (something like this). While I can’t quite remember everyone’s response, one key point did stand out to me.
Essentially, while a "bad" M can’t make someone cheat, the deterioration of an M over time is a two way street, thus, leaving the M in a vulnerable state. While there are different factors that come into play for everyone’s situation, I for one can resonate with the fact that my M had greatly deteriorated to the point it became vulnerable to an array of mass destruction (not just infidelity). I understand this isn’t everybody’s experience, but this represents my story.
I’m not saying I personally played a part in my H’s choice to cheat, that is 100% on him. However, I did play a part in the deterioration of my M, I played a part in making my M vulnerable and I didn’t protect my M the way I should have. I took path A in handling it, while my H took path B. Both paths were wrong … one of these paths ended up being life shattering.
Could it be that this is what your WW is trying to communicate?
Again, this is a very personal journey for everyone and you might not agree with my interpretation and that’s ok. My H had a very similar thinking to your WW early on, so I very much understand your frustration with her. She really really needs to do some deeper digging on her whys.
She wants MC so we can discuss issues "we" had in our marriage that she didn't feel comfortable bringing up till AFTER she cheated on me.
I think MC definitely is meant to discuss marital issues, but these said "issues" are on the back burner for an indefinite period until you feel comfortable with her efforts in owning that the A was 100% her choice, she’s delved into her whys, she’s genuinely remorseful and empathetic of her actions towards you/her family, she’s making changes to show you she can be a safe partner, etc. Once you feel that you’ve got a good grasp on these things, other areas of the M can be looked at.
Also, you can always give it a go with this MC and go from there. Maybe you keep researching other MC who have a background in infidelity. I’m in Canada and we get free 15 minute phone consultations where we can ask questions, etc. Not sure if they offer this where you are, but maybe you could reach out in this way and interview potential MC to see what their view is regarding marriage and the role it plays in infidelity. If you don’t like their response, file it in the trash until you find someone who checks off your boxes. You have a clear picture of what you’re looking for and needing out of an MC, no need to settle.
There are some really great MC out there. We lucked out and found a phenomenal one right outta the gate. They are more of a rare breed, but they do exist.
[This message edited by Heartbrokenwife23 at 10:50 PM, Saturday, March 1st]