Now 10 years out.
The only time I would think a truly empathetic WS exists is when they decide to leave their betrayed partner.
Think of it as putting down a dog with a horrible tumor in its mouth that would preclude it from eating, and will only get bigger and more painful. Instead, you treat the cancer and keep the dog miserable. Hey, you might be adding years to the BS marriage, but we are dead inside at different levels. Because there was a part of my life where no one cared for me, and I was totally stupid about it. I. Was. Dumb. I am like a 95 year old with dementia and hip fractures keeping me bedridden being coded. Because he went full code on the marriage after killing it. And now I’m with the man who shot our marriage. And it survived but is oh so fucked up. And I watched it die. And felt that moment of peace when it did. But then shit, beep beep beep, it has a rhythm again. And now it’s a bit brain deader.
This is oh so painful. It’s been a cancer in my heart, and I will never recover from the scar. I’m alive, doing what a good wife and mother does. But the love part of me died. If he had truly been empathetic, understanding and doing the right thing for me, he should have left, not tried to reconcile. He cut off my hands so he could keep his. I’m crippled. He probably thinks trying to reconcile as a half empathetic person is better than leaving me, but it wasn’t. And each painful idiotic fuck up from a man who needed to know humanity masters level shit, but was happy he made a C in Humanity 101, each mild fuck up is a reminder that I keep trying because it’s not dead yet.
Sometimes the end is more peaceful than trying to save it. Sometimes you save it and you brought back A half dead zombie, like Pet Cemetery style.
I wish my WH had left without telling me why. It would have been easier for me. I would have less questions. That would be empathy.
But now it’s alive and not dead. So I keep feeding it.
I think every BS has some level of this, even the few that use religion to make peace with it and seem truly at peace. All of the rest of us are zombies and know it. They just don’t know they’re zombies.