And I will be damned if she decides to come back to me solely for financial reasons. I obviously do not want her in my life do those reasons.
THAT, is the hardest thing to figure out entering into reconciliation. What is their real motivation? Is it pragmatism, fear, are you their Plan-B, their fallback position, are they staying for the kids, are they staying for appearances, or is it because they truly desire to be with you over anyone else?
You will be trying to figure that out months into reconciliation, IF YOU DECIDE TO GO THIS ROUTE. It will be almost ever present on your mind.
It seems to me reading here, because I have no experience myself in a successful reconciliation, is that it takes a tremendous effort to reconcile. It takes palpable devotion evident by consistent actions, with progressive improvement over time.
You have to be truly devoted to successfully mount and sustain this level of effort. Those WSs with less than altruistic motives, burn out after a couple months, become resentful, bitter, progressively impatient, intolerant of the BS’s PTSD related symptoms, triggers, depression, repetitive questioning, low libido, tentative trust, etc.
A truly devoted WS seems to be more resilient to set backs. When they get knocked on their ass, they come back fighting. They seem to be constantly improving their approach based on feedback, AND ONGOING COUNSELING. They’re proactive and actively solicit yours and qualified outside feedback. They’re lovingly patient, empathic, and enter into R with few conditions, just grateful for the precious and fleeting opportunity to reconcile.
NOW, very few WS come out of an affair with their shit together, to this, almost superhuman, degree. There is usually a learning curve, a big learning curve that involves setbacks and mistakes made. As a BS, you’re looking for a positive progression, trend with continuous improvement overall.
And as Bigger said, don’t fear divorce. That too is an excellent way out of infidelity. I took this route, and my family has recovered, emotionally and financially, and I am now very happily remarried.
[This message edited by RealityBlows at 9:52 PM, Tuesday, February 27th]