Newest Member: Betrayed30years


34 year old BW with an amazing 10 year old Minion and clever 4 year old Mini-Me and a serially cheating STBXWH. DDay 1 - 11/2014 DDay 2 - 11/2015 DDay 3 - 01/2016 DDay 4 - 11/2016 DDay 5 - 7/18 <- last one! Every year, in November. Ha.

Mobile text game!

They're on Facebook all the time. Why not here, for our nonsensical pleasure. Middle entry on our text keyboards, 20x, GO!

NotInterested (lmao, i think cookies are saved for this site) the kids are watching the game is at the end of the house and on the phone with my (instructor was the next one)

Cool, it used to be that my phone started in Dutch, I think I've finally convinced it that I usually speak English.

4 comments posted: Thursday, February 18th, 2016

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