Hi Truth, yes unfortunately I have seen the kidney stone drama with my WH 3 times.
Here's what helped him the first time he suffered an attack: a Palestinian woman told me to have him drink a big slug of olive oil! She said that was the traditional medicine in her country for thousands of years. The oil lubricates the ureters, I guess. She told me that her brother had been in the hospital awaiting surgery when she brought a little jar into his room; he drank it at her insistence and 2 hours later, still waiting for the surgeon, he passed it! Such a story, so I fixed the poor man a big lettuce salad and poured a lot of olive oil and a little vinegar on it and Voila! He passed the offending stone 2 hours later, after 3 or 4 days of pain! I thought that was amazing.
However, a few years later he had another attack and that time, they tried ultrasound in a water bath at the hospital; but due to his large abdomen (340 pounds) the ultrasound couldn't "bounce" off the kidney so they had to use a more aggressive shock wave treatment. While it blasted the stone into passable little pieces, it actually did a little damage to the wall of his kidney at the opening of the ureter. Nothing serious, but the scar was noticed on the next Xray, which happened...
10 years later, when he had "grown" another stone too large to try and pass (9 mm). This last time, he had one day of pain, then it seemed to "back out" of the funnel area leading to the tube, and must just be sitting there in his kidney. I think it's doing some damage to that kidney due to backing up of urine from time to time. Still waiting on urologists and openings....
By the way, a good tip he ignored was offered by the nurse after the 2nd attack. She advised him to drink a little lemon juice every day, but he soon quit that ritual, so here we are again. His stone was calcium oxalate, as many of them are. And important to avoid dehyrdation!
Are you sure it isn't an infection, though?