OK ... so you avoid confrontation, back off when someone gets angry at you, and don't take a stand when you want to. Those behaviors just don't work when you're dealing with infidelity.
In the face of infidelity, you need to find ways to be true to yourself and to act in your own best interests. You need to put yourself first. That requires you to change yourself - hard work, but eminently doable, and the payoff is excellent.
I'm sorry you're hurting so much. When one has been betrayed, lots of pain gets dumped on the betrayed partner, and it just plain hurts - and it hurts more and for longer than anyone can imagine.
I can see 2 ways out for you. One way is to find a good lawyer who will do the confrontation for you and do their best to protect your financial interests.
The 2nd is to get yourself a good IC to help you 1) see yourself as you really are - as good as everyone else - and 2) process the fear, shame, grief, and anger that come with being betrayed.
Right now, your unwillingness to assert yourself is adding more and more pain to your burden. Your healing requires you to find someone to take action on your behalf or learn to do it for yourself. Learning is a much better option, but it's also much slower.
Usually I write about the possibility of R. But R requires asserting yourself a lot, and it requires a WS who is remorseful. At this point, neither condition is in place.
My reco is to find a good IC, if you can. That path is longer, but it is better for you to learn to act in your best interests.
Respect has to be earned, and it's hard to respect a person who doesn't respect themself. IMO you have to find your self-respect. You have to find your strengths.
In addition to a good IC, I suggest reading https://survivinginfidelity.com/topics/598080/the-simplified-180/.
If it makes sense to you - and it probably should - my reco is to implement it.
HangingIn, You're stronger than you think. My guess is that millions of us have recovered from being betrayed in their M, some of us by D, some by R. You can heal, too. The strengths are already in you - all you have to do is to find them.
** Posting as a member **
For crying out loud, all of us, regardless of gender, need to take responsibility for and stand up for ourselves.
Triggering on HanginInThere's post may be because you need to deal with your doubts about your own 'manhood'. If you've triggered, figure out the reason and make appropriate changes.
[This message edited by SI Staff at 4:54 PM, Friday, November 11th]