Sorry this has happened to you and a 20 year marriage. Fortunately, you’re young, your kids are older and, worst case scenario, can embark on an entirely new life if necessary.
Unless you’re in an At Fault state/region, you don’t need concrete evidence of cheating. You only need enough for you to confront with confidence. If you’re convinced he’s cheating, your kids are convinced, and he’s still in denial, he’s not ready for reconciliation and you can proceed with divorce with the evidence you already have.
I would continue doing the excellent due diligence you have already executed. I would continue to get your ducks, firmly, in a row before confronting. This will keep you well paced one-two steps ahead of him, setting him off balance, getting you off on the best start with the most confident footing possible going forward. Premature, unguided, unprepared, and soft confrontations should be avoided. You want to go into the confrontation with strength, confidence and self determination. Your efforts will help preserve your dignity, your focus and help avoid gas lighting, minimizing, lies, and the many forms of manipulation you will be exposed to.
Discretion. Be discreet, play coy as to your body of knowledge and your sources of that knowledge. Play like you know more than you actually do. Ask open ended questions and let him fill in the blanks.
Lawyer: consult an attorney to see what your options are. This will give you knowledge based confidence. Fear of the unknown, uncertainty, can paralyze a BS from making timely definitive decisions. Tell your WS that you have consulted an attorney so that he understands the gravity of the situation and that you’re not messing around.
Sounds like your husband is being very sloppy with his Op Sec. A PI should have no problems getting you results.
Continue to maintain your composure as you have very well done, total badass actually, and continue to maintain your composure right through and beyond confrontation. Then, when you’re off stage, you can break shit and burn effigies. Let him see a strong, dignified woman who doesn’t put up with disrespect or bullshit. Channel Faye Dunaway’s Joan Crawford -"Don’t F… with me fellas!"
Your daughter is watching. Be a good example for her. Show her how a strong woman handles a crisis. Conduct yourself how you’d like her to conduct herself if she ever finds herself in a similar situation.
Speaking of channeling, channel your anger. You’re naturally pissed-use it. Use the adrenaline that’s currently flowing through you to get shit done, to protect you, protect your kids, your welfare and interests.
Check out the Tactical Primer located in the Healing Library.
Rally your support group. Closest friends and family.
Inform your boss. Your career will take a hit as you struggle with this, unless you’re one of those bury yourself in work types.
Check for STDs, talk to your Doctor, maintain health, protein shakes, etc
And, stick with us. You’re going to get a lot of advice, with some variation, some might be hard to hear-tough loving, but all well intended. TAKE WHAT YOU NEED AND DISCARD THE REST.
Take Care
[This message edited by RealityBlows at 2:21 AM, Wednesday, May 3rd]