I don’t have a lot of time to post, but wanted to single out some glaring points of concern:
-She going to blame shift you. It’s a Cheater’s first response to D-Day. Don’t listen to any of it.
When I asked her why she had the affair she indicated that she was "mad" at the time
I bet you were pretty mad at being denied intimacy for 12 years, but didn’t resort to cheating. She’s been siphoning life force from your marriage since this affair began, diverting it to him.
Waiting until Christmas for full NC?? Why? Why sacrifice another moment of your sanctity, security and future happiness for this A? If she’s going to be your forever after and save this marriage, she needs to engage right now. She’s had 10 years to get over it. Probably because she’s not over it.
Is this guy married? If so, notify his wife.
Make sure your decisions are not borne from fear, fear of being alone, fear for the kids, fear of appearances, fear of the unknown, fear of loss. Your marriage was lost 14 years ago. You’ve been roommates in a dead marriage walking. Many of the unknowns of divorce can be cleared up with an attorney consult. Kids tend to fair better in a thriving, happy, healthy, loving, sincere environment. A dead propped up limbo zombie marriage of convenience doesn’t quite foster this.
If you and your WW want to R, do so in the spirit of rebuilding something new, special, exclusive and free of her mental health issues that lead to this disaster. She going to need serious IC followed by MC. She must enter R with enthusiasm, dedication, determination, SELF INITIATIVE and a willingness to do the heavy lifting of R.
If she’s not up to this, cut your losses and divorce. I would avoid settling for anything less than genuine reconciliation fostered with true remorse.
She can not say that this is all in the past, it was 10 years ago, get over it, don’t make such a big deal about it. These statements show a complete lack of empathy and remorse. You absolutely cannot R with this attitude. Your D-Day is today. It’s as fresh, shocking and traumatizing as if you stumbled upon them in the middle of the act. Don’t tolerate an iota of minimization.
PS: Don’t let her guilt you about how you discovered her A. You were instinctively compelled to investigate, and in the case of infidelity, the ends DO justify the means, the ends actually make the means completely irrelevant. She’s just trying to side step, distract, redirect and regain some moral high ground.
[This message edited by RealityBlows at 6:13 PM, Monday, June 26th]