Welcome, Amilliondreams. I’m so sorry that you needed to find your way here.
It’s late, but I just wanted to tell you that you’ve been heard. This sounds awful for everyone involved. A couple of things stand out.
One, this isn’t reconciliation. There’s nothing here that indicates anything like reconciliation (and I’m someone who definitely knows what reconciliation doesn’t look like). He’s trying to wait you out. That’s probably one of his lifelong methods for getting through things he’s too afraid or weak to address head on. You will never feel satisfaction that any of your pain or needs are being addressed because you need to talk and confront, and he needs to hide and evade and pretend everything is normal. This is a pattern that I recognize. A lot of us here will recognize it.
This situation sounds so unhealthy for you and especially for your kids. And gently, that therapist gave you some extremely fucked up advice that didn’t help either of you to get healthier or deal with your issues. It took his infidelity and compounded it with yours. There’s just tons more to deal with because of both.
Right now, you don’t have anything to work with. He’s stonewalling. But what he said to your daughter is something on another level that you shouldn’t overlook as her mom. Believe me, I know what it’s like to be in so much pain that you find it difficult to be the parent that you need to be, so no judgement, but your kids really need protecting from the dysfunction that is happening in their home around all of this. You need help, so that you can help them. It’s not going to come from him.
You’ll get a lot of support here. Others will be along tomorrow (the boards are pretty dead on the weekends). Everyone will offer you what they can from their own experience and from the wisdom of this site that has been gleaned through the hard collective experience of thousands of people very well-versed in the hell of infidelity and all of the contributing and resulting factors that make recovery on either side so difficult—even when both parties are extremely committed and proactive.
You probably won’t like or agree with all of what you get here. The usual wisdom is that you know your situation best, so you should take what you need and leave the rest, knowing that everyone is trying to help you. I would add one thing to that wisdom: if something really bugs you a lot, it might be a good idea to sit with it a little and process why it’s bugging you so much. Often, the advice or observation that we least want to hear is exactly the piece that we need the most. This is born out over and over. You might not always be ready to hear it yet. Don’t worry. When you’re ready, it will still be there.
This takes a lot of time to get through. Years. And it’s so very much harder if you’re living with the person who hurt you, and he’s not actively owning and working to help you heal. I’ll be back along with a lot of others tomorrow. Stay with us. Read as much as you can. This is a great place for support as you try to move forward.
You already took a big step in reaching out for support. Sending you hugs of strength and support. NW