Or am I just destined to be unhappy?
We can't control our spouses, we can't control much in this world, but there is one thing I can control in this world, and that's my response to adversity.
However, infidelity takes a longer time to build the response you NEED, because any of us who offer a potential last chance have to wait and see if our partner is worthy of us.
Three months in, I was still in literal shock. It took a year before I felt like my feet were on solid ground. It took two years to believe the actions of my wife. It took three years to really get to point where I could choose my response to the depression, and devastation.
So, I don't think you're destined to be unhappy -- just that you will be tapping into strength you never knew you had to get through this emotional trauma.
And once you really know what you want, be it the M or a life on your own, you can choose and find joy again.
R takes both partners wanting to build a relationship worthy of both people, which is a lot of work.
At 7.5 years after day, I'm a happy camper. I have the M that I want. My wife has the M that she wants. We're happy, and still amazed how much we had to overcome to get here.
You'll know if it is worth the effort. You'll know if your WS has made temporary changes or the REAL changes needed to be a safe partner.
Don't worry about the anger, it will come. Big time. Feel it, you earned it.
Your brain, as mentioned in the thread, is trying to protect you. It's a good thing.