Hey all! I do not post often, but wished to have a place I could go back to and update for myself to see how far I've come. My divorce from ExWH went through in September 2023, and since then things have become steadier and less stressful. There have been many improvements in my life since ExWH yeeted himself from our home for the COW.
-I started a second part time job in December 2022 that I enjoy being at. I've been there over a year now and thoroughly enjoy my coworkers and the environment. In essentials, I'm working the two part time jobs so that I can still be there for my child when he's not at school. The income from both has been helping us become more stable.
-My son started Kindergarden and - while he's having some issues socially - seems to be doing very well academically. I'm thankful that his teachers and the school are great at communicating with parents on issues. We are working on getting him an IEP so that he can thrive.
-I've found I can fix a lot of things myself! I used to wait around begging EXWH to help me find solutions to fixing things (mainly because he'd give me hell when things needed to be fixed) and he'd blatantly ignore the problems, or get upset at me wanting to fix them in the first place. Now I know places I can call for repairs for the home and have managed to do minor car/house fixes on my own. It's lovely not having someone say I am a bad person for getting things done because it makes them feel guilt.
-There's less chores needing to be done in the home. With EXWH not in the house my chore load has gone down significantly. Less laundry, less trash, the house is cleaner. Because of this -despite being a single parent - I have far more me time and am able to do things I enjoy doing. Even my son has gotten better at helping take care of the home.
-I no longer care who the ex hangs out with. I also no longer care about the ex friends who ghosted me/my child. It's rather freeing to no longer be setting myself on fire trying to please these people. The ex still does everything he can to please them - including skipping out on his supervised visitation with our kid - but this is no longer my problem. I've stopped expecting these people to act like reasonable, respectable, or responsible adults. His friends can continue being my ex's chaos janitor while I go off to make a happy memory with my kid.
Me - BW Mid 30'sHim - XWH Mid 30's
D-day1: Christmas Night 2021 D-day2:6/5/22
Filed for divorce 6/6/23. Divorce final 9/5/23