These responses feel really good—which is a clue to me. When other posters said I shouldn’t let myself feel stupid (thank you Ink, Molly, IDB, Groot, Jason, Hard, SS33, BTB, OW) I was initially thinking, « I know of, course, I’m not stupid » but the fact that hearing these affirmations felt so good makes me further suspect subconsciously that I feel I missed something glaringly obvious and that I should not have. ». I need to stop using retroactive shoulds.
Each of our stories are different. I am accepting more and more that it is not my fault I did not pick up on the signals that there was something seriously amiss with my husband. I found him suddenly shallow and selfish (obsessed with buying a sports car), dismissive of our kids needs (after a lifetime of being a really involved dad). I just didn't like him very much anymore. This is the good thing of the cheating for me…if he had stayed on course to becoming more materialistic, vapid and singularly success driven I would not have wanted to stay with him anyway. The cheating—and more importantly getting caught— broke the spell.
Ink, you said « I don’t know if that was the catalyst for me going into my retrospective jealousy/"what the fuck is so wrong with my life" phase, but the timing is pretty close. How she thought she could pull this shit off, she got pretty brazen. ». <==what did you mean by this? Retrospective like now or back then? Also, the brazenness blows me away too. At the end he went into the woods with her in the middle of the day, with his FindFriends on. I followed them right in and found them there screaming at each other. So romantic ;)
Fournlau, you said « I still wonder if his push to get me to find a job was for that exact reason too.« I suspect the same. I’m also getting a big no in response on that one.
HikingOut, thank you. You said « I never imagined he would give her a second look, we used to kind of kid about some of her tendencies. She was rough around the edges and smoked like a chimney, which he hates.« This was a HUUUGE factor for me as well. When he was thinking of hiring her I actually looked her up on their company directory. She looked like a frumpy puppy, older than us, dead eyes (LOL). I told him to definitely hire her. Now if he criticizes someone’s appearance at work my ears perk up
Shehawk, sounds like you were betrayed by more than just your husband. That is crummy. Did you cut the entire crew out of your life?
Groot: it is too bad how in the future them doing something that should be a nice thing may always be a triggery thing.
Jason: I agree about it being both with the cross. It gets a little lighter and we are getting very strong!
HardKnocks: The Fucked-up Business Trips club. I love that. Yes……
Ink: you’re right Unmet Needs I did my pick me penance on that altar for 7 years. Before I knew it was physical. I was oh so sympathetic about the hardships of not getting enough sex, back when I thought she had tried to kiss him and he politely said no. What a hero!!!!
OldWounds: the years later aspect makes angry. If he had told me 8 years ago these screwed up memories could have been made clear. Instead they are just a bit less foggy…
[This message edited by Stillconfused2022 at 9:25 PM, Wednesday, February 21st]