Hi, there.
We are 10 months out from his A and I STILL feel like you do and I do not see it going away anytime soon unfortunately. Most days I loathe him, I don't want to be around him and I make it known to him how upset and disgusted I still am. Just last night I explained to him how I may never be able to forgive him for what hes done to me and how it in turn , has affected our children. when I say that I am mean, I am pretty brutally honest with him.
I agree with others, his action caused your reaction and this is trauma like I have never felt before and if he ever blamed me for my feelings that HE CAUSED, I would already be gone.
You have nothing to be sorry for or to explain to him.
As time went on , in my case I did notice I was being very abusive to him, emotionally and mentally because I wanted him to hurt, I would keep my claws in him and be hurtful, especially while he had just started his new job and was in counseling himself. That I DID STOP. I didn't like who I was and I didn't like how it left me feeling after I broke him down and heard him sob(he was putting in the work and taking every beating). I changed that part of me because I knew we both would have to heal and I wasn't allowing him that.
Now when we talk I don't scream, I don't belittle him (as much) and mostly it is just me telling him how I feel and how what he did has affected me and our family.
It seems to get to him way more than screaming and being angry.
You are a little behind me in the discovery phase and don't get me wrong, I still have my moments where I am unbelievably angry and he takes it but as time goes on, you will find your own ways to get your point across without having to be angry, to be honest my anger kinda fizzled into sadness and just hollowness, the anger phase left me completely exhausted from the flight or fight (clearly I chose fight) . I don't think I like the sadness any better to be honest. Now I just look around at the destruction he has caused and it is just beyond sad how much damage there is.
Take your time, IC helped me a lot when I went and I am sure it will you too, don't worry too much about his feelings and work right now that hes doing he needs to do it regardless of how you feel, if he loves you and wants to truly keep you then he will see that you are in a huge place of hurt and complete anger due to HIS actions. If he doesn't then I agree with others, reconciliation won't be possible. If my H didn't put in the work and really really bare his soul and start major changes right away I really think I wouldn't be posting this today.
Married 5 years (together 11) Four children Me Bs 36Him WH 35- 4 month PA Dday Oct 6- lots of TT final disclosure Jan 16.
"If we walk through hell we might as well hold hands, we should make this a home"- citizen soldier