I hear you and live this same life. My WH had affairs starting 1 yr into marriage (1990) thru (2009), as far as I KNOW.
In past 2 yrs, I have been hit hard by PTSD due to stuffing down feelings and not making marriage recovery a priority. We started therapy together in 2009 and did well for a few years until parents got sick, kids issues and life took over. When PTSD hit a couple of years ago, it blindsided me. I took a chance and told WH what I was feeling, expecting to be validated and helped through the pain HE created. He did nothing to help me. He turned it around and did the "What about how I feel?!" which shut me down and made it 100 times worse.
He stopped having sex with me at that time (2 yrs ago). HE stopped with ME, because of how HE felt about my lack of empathy for HIM and all the health issues HE had been going through over the last 10 yrs. I scoffed at this and stood my ground, telling him either he gets into IC to figure out why he is the way he us (unable to do something I need from him WVEN WHEN I WRITE IT DOWN FOR HIM AS REFERENCE, just like you did!) or we are done. I called lawyers to see about my divorce options at 60 yrs old and realize how much it will stink starting over and losing MY beloved house (my only safe space, as it is my childhood home we bought when my father passed in 2013.)
It took 18 months of me standing my ground and not giving into his drama and self-absorbed victimization before he started IC last month. He is trying hard to understand why he has to focus on his past. I can see how his past shaped him today, and wish I would've taken that into consideration when I was 24 yrs old!
Nothing much changes with regard to how WE are, as he still can not hug me when I need him too, he doesn't reassure me, no validation or accountability for the issues HE has caused. He just sits there as if HE is obligated to be there and will bolt the second he has permission. It wears you down emotionally. He says he feels like I am beating him up about everything all over again. I say, "Yeah! Exactly how I feel when YOUR choices are haunting me 35 yrs after YOU chose to disrespect me, repeatedly! Your selfish choices messed up MY life. I get beat up over it EVERY DAY. YOU messed this marriage up! YOU need to be the one to make the BIG changes right now to fix it, or get out!" I was serious and he realized it, finally. Thats when he chose to go to IC. What comes of it, is up to him.
I refuse to do MC until he makes progress in IC, since every therapy session wevbeen in as a couple gets sidelined by his "inability" to comprehend basic needs on my part and how to MEET MY NEEDS. I swear, we'd spend the whole session with therapists trying to help him understand what it meant to "take your wife on a date and pursue HER with the same enthusiasm as you pursued your AP's" I figure I'll let him learn how to communicate with IC before he angers me more in MC. It sounds like your WH is similar to mine in that regard. In the many years since DD #2, he has yet to actually "meet me needs".
When I begin to feel down like you are lately, I have to force myself to validate my OWN WORTH and to remember HE made choices that did not include my input. HE is the one that must carry his weight of consequences, not me. I do my best to give back to him that which I do not own (the guilt over not being good enough for him, the feeling I am not pretty enough, the focus on making MY body better, etc...)
We can spend the rest of our life wondering why we weren't good enough, or we can turn it around and drill into our OWN heads that we've ALWAYS been good enough and it is "them" that now need to prove their worth in OUR life.
I still am suffering with PTSD and see IC for myself. It's new therapy, so not yet seeing dramatic results. But, I feel a bit more confident and that is good.
Let go of trying to force your WH into something he obviously can't or won't do at this time. Find a way to bolster your own self worth and take the advice of the poster telling you to buy the sexy underwear and feel good about YOU for a change. Once you do even a little of that and your attitude naturally shifts, it is wierd how the WH pucks up on that and changes as well (i.e. less arrogant and self-assured around me when I am in good mood and happy... he wonders why I am happy and not moping around in sadness, yet not pestering him for validation). I am coming to realize that I don't know where my marriage is going to end up, but I don't want to spend the rest of my life reliving the agony and pain of HIS choices. I AM WORTHY OF HONEST AND KIND LOVE. So are you, so be kind to yourself and tell yourself that... in a mirror... until you believe it! I'll keep doing the same and we'll see how it turns out.