I will echo a little of what not perfect said.
As the ws, it probably took me a solid year to get my head completely back together.
The first six months was what I would equate to basically a withdrawal from addiction. I was completely dependent on the dopamine and adrenaline the affair produced. And psychologically, we tend to brainwash ourselves and ignore convenient truths in order to do something that we know is wrong. I could not have seen or articulated that until I processed all the lies I told myself to allow myself to even do it.
I had an affair around your wife’s age, and after reading everything I could get my hands on during that time I was using escape as a coping mechanism of a deep depression spurred on by burnout/mid life crisis. A lot of people like to debunk that but it’s too text book for me to ignore. I am not sure that is your wife, but likely the affair was escapism from something?
Know I do not blame any of these things for the affair, I was a grown woman who made atrociously conscious bad decisions. I state it because 1) it wasn’t my husbands fault or our marriages fault and 2) because understanding how it happened is crucial for where treatment growth needed to be focused.
It’s also relevant because when someone uses a high dopamine/adrenaline based escape such as an affair, gambling, shopping addiction it can obsessive compulsive. It takes time to rebuild the wiring in one’s brain to support normal dopamine function and also to unwind the brainwashing they did to themselves in order to justify their horrible behavior. I went through physical and psychological withdrawal for probably six months or more. And filling all the space the affair occupied with healthier coping mechanisms and hobbies helped me stabilize but that too was a process.
I am not saying any of this because I think it should influence you. I think you should know what you are dealing with.
I would like to echo sacred soul in that she is being honest with you and that will better allow you to track progress. Sounds like there has been some the last four months since you made the original post.
Likely if she remains committed to the path of working on herself, you will find that before you get back round to summer you will see her remorse and reality shift back in. I made the most progress between 6-12 months when compared to months 1-6.
The reason is those first months the ws is dealing with their own huge emotions- shame and guilt after being caught is often debilitating because they never really entertained consequences. People who have not had an affair do not understand that when you are using escapism to cope that considering consequences is not part of that function. We lie and hide from ourselves in our most avoidant acts. I felt humiliated about my decisions and didn’t want to be a villain in my new narrative versus the narrative I just held where I was this wonderful hot commodity.
Everyone is different your results will vary but I have spent a great deal of time with other ws when this site was more active and I don’t think I am an anomaly in this way.
It’s good and also predictable you would be hitting the anger stage at this point. It’s stages of grief. Most bs spend the first 6 months in shock, denial, bargaining. Anger is an improvement because 1)it’s a higher vibrational feeling and 2) it prepares you for the part of healing where you have to consider yourself on more of an individual level than being part of a unit. I think all bs’s who have healed here had to find that independence because it prepares you for making a real decision on your marriage. I am convinced most people are not ready the first six months as bargaining, denial and shock are disorienting. Anger starts bringing in orientation and action and it’s healthy.
You should focus on yourself, what you need. I consider the first six months to a year recovery not reconciliation. Neither person is equipped to move straight into R, they simply have the prerogative they might like to stay married and maybe feel committed to that decision.
But it takes healing in both sides to get to a point where both are stable enough to start the R process. This is why MC is pretty much useless most of year one for doing repair. It’s helpful for some to help mediate the discovery process and improve communication but a MC is not a miracle worker. IC is much more useful because as I already said individual healing is so important.
Your wife needs to be to a place that she abhors what she did, feels completely on your side, and sees that the affair was not love, nor were she or the ap good people during that period. Then, you can think about whether you want to attempt reconciliation. Right now in my eyes, both of you have committed to staying married. The majority of couples facing infidelity take that path initially. But it’s not a new set of vows or a decision that should be seen as permanent.
Know you can change your mind anytime in the process. Do not pressure yourself for an outcome, focus on you and your healing, and as she ramps up where she needs to be you should see dramatic improvement otherwise - pull the plug. Pull it anyway if you decide. You do not owe her R.
I hope this helps!
[This message edited by hikingout at 4:45 PM, Thursday, January 16th]