Oh wow annb
Wish you had had a bit better fortune with your Black Friday Shopping.
We ventured out with oddly no plans to buy anything. We did have a couple errands so figured we would start and see what happened.
We mailed some packages and cards at the mostly empty post office and dropped a package off at the completely empty FedX store.
Then we checked out getting wired internet from the new internet provider (what we have had available at the little downtown apartment is cellular which we is what we got and the alternative had been the slowest cable internet I have seen in 20 years). Another month or so and we might have internet on par with the first decade of this century.
We decided to get a hot tea using our monthly beverage subscription…really no one at the chain bakery either…
So we figured why not up the ante and see what happens. Fiancé remembered he had been meaning to order a sweatshirt in person at the huge chain sporting goods store so we did that. He wanted one with the logo of the college he is attending and the website has been cancelling his orders… After a long wait in line where I shopped holiday socks and about half the store while he waited to place the order, he got the sweatshirt ordered. Hopefully this order actually gets to him without being cancelled.
Then we figured why not pick up the pace somewhat. We proceeded to go to at least 5 stores including 2 big box stores to try to buy an ice scaper for his truck. It was snowing very lightly and was maybe 30 degrees, which in the south causes everyone to point at the flakes, experience mass panic, and buy up all of the ice scrapers. Fiancé and I both grew up in the North, so could have improvised indefinitely for about anything we would ever see here using an old credit card
But I humored him and helped him hunt through stores, hoping to find an ice scraper the hoard had missed. We finally found one in the very back of a huge farm store and for just $3.99 we can brush the 4 flakes of snow off the windshield.
Of course we also had to make sure to buy milk and eggs
not because we were afraid of the snow, but because we are having scrambled eggs for breakfast and he had been baking. And that’s when we entered the true chaos
we got all the way through the long long checkout line (as if people had not just 2 days ago loaded up on cart loads of food, but it could snow
We got out of the store alive, gave some nice couple shopping with their baby our coveted cart (carts were pretty much all gone and it was too cold for them to have to fumble to find their quarter and struggle to get the cart unlocked…if you know what store we are talking about I bet you are smiling reading this….)
Then we had the bad judgement to go into a big discount store to see if the restocked of all things..the travel size tweezers. They had, and I got the coveted Minnie Mouse mini version along with a small deodorant. Now the truth is we are not going anywhere that I know of for weeks. But that didn’t stop us from thinking this was a good day to cross these little items off our to do list. We had to park at least a half mile away from the entrance, must have dodged at least 100 shoppers pawing their way through holiday pjs, and we waited in line for at least a half hour to pay. But we did it!
We shopped Black Friday!!!
Hope everyone has a peaceful and happy holiday weekend!!
[This message edited by Shehawk at 11:00 PM, Saturday, November 30th]