I think you are seeing things from a very different perspective.
I wonder if his hesitancy is the fact that you will now be living together. If that’s the case then you realize he’s running like a scared child.
Only you know what the right decision is.
But I can tell you when I told my H I was D him, two things became apparent:
Now supposedly he ended the affair (for the 2nd time) a few hours before I found out about the continued cheating while I thought he we were reconciling.
But that no longer mattered. In my mind we were finished.
He had finally snapped out of the affair fog about 1 second before it was too late. I do not know how we R because honestly it’s a miracle. But I’m one of the lucky ones. We are happily Reconciled.
But for months I watched him pine away and take his unhappiness out on me. That is the phase you are in.
Your walking away might be an eye opening experience for him. One he may not expect. Or one he hopes will happen because he is too much of a coward to D you but may want to.
[This message edited by The1stWife at 6:15 AM, Tuesday, February 11th]