Spoke to my mom this morning. Havent been in a good place, flooding all over.
Got a counseling session coming up feb 13. Im Not looking forward to it. An incident last weekend where my wayward and I decided to make cocktails spiralled into the ground. She dumped a rapid fire spray of resentments on me.
She resents me digging into her accounts and emails and past coms. She felt that our situation was not equal, that she feels she has no rights. I retorted that to be equal, I would have to have multiple affairs and then lie about it for a decade.
So obviously it was off to the races, as they say.
I was blamed for her losing touch and relationships with her old friends. Expressed her anger at me talking to everyone in our family circle to "ruin her reputation to punish her". Blamed for our joint decision to sign up for her company health plan which is only telehealth and rx. Blamed for her headache and emotional distress, because we each had 2 oz of vodka in a martini.
I wanted to sleep seperately. I started to detach and uninvest in the conversation.
She never came off the offensive, broke down and cried, begged me to come to bed and comfort her (accusing me of punishing her if i didnt) until I broke down, abandoned my boundaries and just did it.
On and on it goes. It shattered something. Something broke.
Counseling session is supposed to be all about beginning to work on her "whys". Im not particularly amenable to a pity party excuse factory. I dont want to watch her weedle around. And if anyone tries to characterize anything I did in our relationship as causal or attributes responsibility of her choices to me, Im gonna do a fucking backflip.
So, I was hurting about this and related it to my mom, who said, "really? You dont think you have any responsibility in this? You didnt want to get married to that girl and I dont think you understand how that makes her feel."
Its just not true. I wanted to wait to marry her until I could be sure this love wasnt a mirage, so that I wouldnt be in the exact fucking situation I am in. And she outmaneuvered me with her lies and pinned me in that situation anyways.
I was, in those days, under a shitload of pressure from everyone to marry her. While she was cheating, she did hit me with us not being married, tears in her eyes, telling me about people insinuating that I wasnt sincere about my commitment to her.
When we did get married, multiple female family members hit me at the celebrations with "its about time".
Same people now know about the cheating, and are calling it ancient history that I need to get over.
She had been lying to me for 5 years about the affairs at the time we got married. Noone gives a shit. Why should I.
And my own mother, rather than have my back, tells me if I wasnt so slow to invoke a judges magic words to declare our bond valid, she probably would have never run all over creation for male sexual validation.
Fuck these people.