First, I want to thank everyone for their input on this topic. My goal was to gauge whether the community's opinions have shifted compared to the historical posts I found. Based on the sample size here, it seems my initial findings still hold: people generally do not favor these actions.
I anticipated some criticism, knowing that this is a highly sensitive topic. I want to assure you that my responses were not intended to be judgmental or condescending. In fact, I contemplated removing my personal opinions regarding R from the discussion to avoid contaminating the responses. However, I felt that would not be intellectually honest, as it's impossible to completely set aside one's personal experiences and beliefs when engaging in what was meant to be a purely hypothetical argument.
It's challenging to have open conversations on this subject without making it personal, especially since we have all experienced infidelity and share the understanding of its profound pain. People are drawing directly from their own experiences. I acknowledge that I may have contributed to this tension; labeling a view as hypocritical is inherently inflammatory. Nonetheless, I hope this discussion is taken in the spirit it was intended.
I will try to respond to everyone's comments but I'm starting to feel like I'm trying to empty a sinking ship with a teaspoon.
Hikingout based on how you've defined the circumstances surrounding your husband's infidelity, I’m not sure he could convincingly argue that it was indeed a revenge affair. While he may frame his actions as a justification for cheating, I don’t believe it fits the definition of a revenge affair. To me, it appears simply to be two individuals in a relationship who, at different times, engaged in affairs.
The timing complicates this scenario. Let me illustrate with an analogy: we can all agree that physical violence is wrong. If you and your boss had an argument at work and he punched you, then you punched him back, the police arriving on the scene would likely consider who struck first when deciding whom to arrest. You could argue that your response was justified, but their assessment would heavily rely on who initiated the altercation.
Now, suppose your boss hit you, apologized, and you both moved on. Eighteen months later, if you walked into the office and punched him, it would be viewed very differently. Similarly, the nature of the response matters. You mentioned the severity of your husband's affair and the timing involved. If, after being hit by your boss, you pulled out a bat and attacked him, the police would likely arrest you, regardless of who struck first.
I’ve already expressed my views on the hypocrisy aspect and have nothing further to add. In my opinion, you cannot expect fidelity in a relationship where that fidelity has not been upheld. This isn't hypocrisy; it's a point we can agree to disagree on.
Regarding your perspective that no one deserves to be cheated on and that infidelity is never justifiable, I believe this is at the core of our disagreement. Personally, I think that someone who cheats does deserve to experience the consequences of their actions. I genuinely hope my ex has faced similar betrayal in her current relationship.
As for your question about whether his behavior broke the marriage first, I agree it would depend on what that behavior entailed. I have little sympathy for men who are physically or emotionally abusive and then experience infidelity. Likewise, I have no sympathy for partners who SA significant others. On the other hand, if the issue is something inconsequential—like not doing the dishes or working too much—cheating in response to such behaviors is clearly extreme and unjustifiable. Using the earlier analogy, if someone punches you, a retaliatory punch could be justified. But if someone merely flicks you and you respond with extreme aggression, that would not be acceptable.
I concur that divorce should generally be the preferred route. Cheating is usually the cowardly and immoral solution. However, I believe in some circumstances, I would not judge someone harshly for cheating, including in cases of revenge cheating.
In my view, it becomes hypocritical if one cheats and then begs for forgiveness, seeking to reconcile the relationship while refusing to extend the same understanding when the tables are turned. If you feel this characterization does not apply to you, then perhaps you don’t see yourself as a hypocrite. Regardless, in response to some criticism, I will not impose my personal opinions on you or your situation.
Bigger I think the word up for discussion here is "justifiable." While anyone can divorce anyone for any reason, telling your friends or your spouse's family the motivating factor was that they "don’t cook meatloaf like mom" would likely lead them to view you as unreasonable in that situation. The point I was trying to make is whether you can justify divorcing someone for an act you once pleaded forgiveness for.
This is different from a profound desire to no longer be married. I hope that clarifies my stance.
Formerpeopleperson I found your perspective really intriguing. I hadn't considered the religious implications when I posed the question. My only counterpoint would be that if your wife's infidelity releases you from the promises you made to her, wouldn't that implicitly also relieve you of the promises you made to yourself? Logically, it mirrors the situation of a widower. Her death would relieve you of the obligation to remain loyal to her; similarly, you would then be free to pursue a new marriage. I share your uncertainty about my beliefs regarding a higher power, and I don’t want to delve into that at this moment.
SacredSoul33 It’s hard to argue the WS is truly capable of the level of empathy required to fully understand the pain of the betrayal given they were fully capable of enacting it. Ok, if it was a one time situation and they deeply regretted it afterwards that’s one thing. A long term affair though? Or multiple. If they were so empathetic they would be incapable of acting this way to begin with. This is my opinion.
In your second paragraph you seem to directly contradict yourself in the first. You stated in the first paragraph a cheater merely requires empathy to understand the effects of cheating yet in the second paragraph outline that I wouldn’t know how I’d react unless I was in that situation. Apparently a wayward can understand things using empathy alone but I require lived experience?
I have been cheated on and understand the hurt. I also understand myself. I understand that I would never be able to let it go. I’m principled in such that I wouldn’t even want to let myself. I know I would consistently bring it up. You haven’t done the dishes? How dare you be annoyed at that, you cheated on me. Etc etc. We would never be able to move forward. It would be a lost cause.
Whilst I agree we are all responsible for our actions, to argue cause and effect has no bearing on things simply isn’t reality. Many who cheat have reasons for why they did it. In most cases they just aren’t justifiable. I’m arguing if they are justifiable, like in the example of revenge cheating. It changes everything.
Tobster1911 The what if game is the game we are playing. I think I explained my stance on this above, in response to Hikingout. Let me know if you have any follow ups. I agree with your statement however, a revenge affair or hall pass is a justification. The thing about justifications though, is they are sometimes just.
As stated, I'm sorry you felt my tone was condescending. Have you considered that it's not that I'm being condescending but rather that I'm just better than you? ahahah. Sorry, old joke. I obviously don't believe that. No it's not my intention to upset those who reconcile. I see the validity in it for those who don't have my temperament. I'm not arguing my highly principled, stubborn approach to life is correct, just that it makes me incapable of R.
[This message edited by DRSOOLERS at 8:07 AM, Tuesday, January 28th]