I am 8 weeks out. My WS and I were just about to start couples counseling and were new empty nesters when he disclosed he went repeatedly to massage parlors for happy endings, etc. 9 times between 2016-2021. I am not at all sure I can forgive my WS. I would like some healing to occur between my WS and I whether we reconcile or not. We have two wonderful children together who we both love very much. In my heart of hearts, I don't think my WS is a horrible person. I think he has sexual compulsion that stems from his childhood issues and poor coping. He was in a sexless marriage in his twenties and went to massage parlors right before the marriage ended as well. It doesn't mean that I know that I want to be with him. He has lied and gaslighted me which is the worst part of this whole thing. I would like to understand his issues and my issues for healing either way. Addiction runs on both sides of our family so I would like to have as much awareness for our children as possible. I also don't want to repeat patterns if we do break up.
I know I tend toward codependency and don't want to overhelp my WS find resources or be too empathetic. I am struggling with what is too much..
1.Are betrayal trauma/cheating/sexual compulsion specialists, intensives worth the money?
2. My spouse has not been completely honest. I have asked for a full therapeutic disclosure. He is open.
3.I asked for a therapeutic separation. I need some space as my nervous system is a wreck and until he is completely honest with me I need physical space. We will likely spend half the week at the house and half the week at friend's house.(His mom died 3 weeks ago so he is also grieving!)
My WS has been working with a a small men's group run by a therapist (not focus on sexual addiction), an individual therapist (not trained in infideilty) and going to a one Alanon per week with a sponsor in a 12 step program for the past 2.5 years. Although I did not understand why he was doing so much work, after DDay, he told me it is because he realized he had a problem and needed support to stop. He is just now opening to the idea that he might have a sexual addiction because I said I related to partners of sex addict forums. Supposedly, his therapist did not think this is addiction.
3.He sees an individual therapist that he likes and trusts. Is it better to do a full disclosure with a trusted therapist using a book on the topic or a therapist trained in sexual betrayal? (I have found a good book on the topic of course.)
3. Lie detector test-who gives lie detector tests?
4. I am trying to focus on myself-individual therapy, finding a betrayal trauma specialist, yoga, meditation, friends. space, art...