I am growing resentful that nothing comprable is coming back my way, even when requested. It seems like she thinks she should only do what is fully authentic.
Likely that is what the IC is pushing.
Herein lies the rub. Prior to the affair and through the affair recovery I didn’t even know what authentic looked like anymore. I didn’t realize I had lost touch with myself to the degree I had.
We push ourselves now to “have it all”but it’s a picture society paints for us. In our drive and ambition to achieve what we think it should look like, we ignore what it actually feels like until we lose touch with what it is that really matters and the wheels start coming off.
The best recovery a ws can make is to get real with themselves on who they are, what they want, and who they want to be. It’s easy to become at odds when you are trying to get in touch with your needs while being in debt to your partner. There is only so much bandwidth especially with all the other demands of life. . You have to want yourself back more than anything, including the marriage until you can feel stable. It’s a version letting go of the outcome, a place you are also reaching now.
When you are the bs and have already been cast aside and betrayed, that real or perceived lack of empathy or investment is brutal. It feels like another betrayal that they can’t even make the effort of giving you what you have requested after all they have done to you. The bs’s requests often boils down to needing the reassurance of love, commitment, and the ws’s earnest desire to win you back. All very natural and to be expected. Because they have done a bad job at that reassurance, then come specific requests or examples from the bs to try and help the ws.
Being authentic means she isn’t lying, through her actions or words. She is practicing integrity. And the more she does, the more you can trust what you see. It doesn’t mean that you will like what you see better. You may not see the vulnerability for her to present herself honestly in the face of possibly losing the marriage. From this, you can grow something much deeper, or decide that she isn’t who you want. Either answer will be in response to truth.
It could be that she doesn’t love you and doesn’t care and is showing you. Certainly that’s how it’s making you feel and for valid reasons.
But it could also be she is doing the work of recovering and trying to walk this new path of honesty. it’s a vulnerable thing to say:
"this is who I am, do you still want me?" Especially when we are carrying around our own shame over who we are or have become.
In having an affair, I was trying to be “seen” by the wrong person while playing a person who wasn’t me either. There was no logic utilized, only a desperate and sick floundering towards an earlier self. The lack of authenticity or being who I wanted to be was so far gone it was terrifying.
I needed to learn to be responsible for my own happiness. (We all do) It was extremely uncomfortable and all consuming at first, because so many things felt arbitrary. Turns out it wasn’t - In hindsight it was only awkwardly trying to set new boundaries. After I practiced for a while I began to understand that I can say “how about this instead?” And negotiate that ask instead.
I learned I could protect my happiness and my marriage by looking for win - win situations. Seems obvious, but it wasnt for me. I spent a lot of my life either complying or not complying. I saw conflict as someone needs to get their way. Too often I allowed him to have his way because it was easier.
Post affair I am more cognizant that I am important enough to get my way too. That’s not to say my husband had anything to do with that. It’s more to say negotiating didn’t come naturally to me, and the fears underneath prevailed. “If I don’t smile and nod then perhaps I will be less lovable.” “Careful not to rock the boat too much or it might be a problem”. These were baseless things I learned to do to survive in my house growing up and they simply went unexamined.
This all led to deep conversations on about what we are asking for and releasing some expectations on how that need be met.
Using the example surrounding sex, he told me that he feels that to be a gauge of whether you are connected and in love or not. I didn’t disagree with this premise, but what we were doing wasn’t working.
I realized I felt like it jad to look a certain way for him to be satisfied. This thwarted my feelings of connection or desire needed to give him the passion he wanted to see. We reached new understandings through a series of frustrating conversations and painful trial and error to find the win-wins. Let’s just say that was very worth it for what it is today.
You talk about planning dates. My h wanted me to plan a date once a month and a weekend trip quarterly. That was easy, I did most of that in our pre- affair marriage, I enjoy it and am good at it. However during our recovery from his affair I asked for the same and it was a disaster. It’s just not within him.
We had to discover what the need actually was. It was two fold, some of it was the principle that he required it of me so I was looking for fair. The bigger part was I needed reassurance that he wanted the marriage because I had no hope left. With that, he started doing things I liked maybe even more. Leaving me notes, looking for ways to make my day easier. I had to accept those as ways he is capable of meeting my need.
It’s hard to be at odds on things as tender as these, and the rejection reverberates all the bullshit that has already been swallowed.
Reconciliation begins to happen when both people have let go of the outcome, find clarity over what they want, and despite it all find out they want each other as much as ever anyway. Those two people have a higher probability of figuring it out because knowing you you both want it puts you on the same team and breeds cooperation.
Either she is absent, or she is showing up for the first time in a long time. I can’t tell which one. It may not matter. if you feel done you can be done. My prattling is only meant to give you ways to check in on your own perspective. I just threw a lot of spaghetti at your wall, but I have no idea what is going to stick for you. But your instincts on those things will tell you.
[This message edited by hikingout at 7:21 AM, Tuesday, January 16th]