You're really stuck at this point focusing on "How could he do this???" and I totally relate to that--especially where you are in relation to how close you still are from Dday. I was still very much there even 10 months post Dday.
You ask "how?" and yet you are able to articulate his whys: he was depressed, he was insecure, etc. So, it's clear that knowing his whys doesn't magically help, yes?
I remember feeling that exact way. I remember my mind screaming: HOW COULD HE??? How could he DO this to us? To me? How could someone I trusted (and who I NEVER would have guessed could do something so very destructive) DO THIS???
Here's how I reached more mental peace:
Sadly, I had to embrace that it was never about me. When my husband betrayed me, he was totally thinking about himself. His mental gymnastics allowed him to justify what he was doing because it made HIM feel better, and he consistently blocked out the betrayal's impact on me. He was desperate to feel better about himself and completely self-focused.
Also, I had to shake off my own desire for magical thinking: I had to quit wishing it had never happened. I had to quit wishing time could magically turn back and I/he/we could somehow stop or prevent it from happening...or at least nip it in the bud in the early days of flirtation.
I had to accept:
It happened and it can't be changed. Full stop.
So, then I had to face the million dollar question: Knowing that it happened and can never be changed, can I live with that?
I also had to ask myself: Can I continue with someone capable of this? Someone who, when they were struggling, was capable of actions SO VERY destructive and self-centered?
Could my husband do enough work to make me feel that, when he was really struggling again (because that WILL happen at some point), he won't just slide back into self-focus and avoidance?
There are no "right" answers to these questions. They are too personal.
It's okay to divorce, and it's okay to reconcile. There is just getting out of infidelity, getting out of misery, and honoring yourself.
I'm so sorry that you're struggling with the glaring unfairness of it all. It isn't fair. It sucks.
[This message edited by BreakingBad at 1:50 PM, Friday, June 21st]