Please know that no one here blames you. We all understand all of this because, well, we’ve ALL made some excuses for our WHs to continue behaving in wayward ways at some point. At the very least, most of us had been making excuses for behavior that we shouldn’t have tolerated for a long time before their As.
And making those excuses was a disservice to ourselves and our kids. It was also a disservice to our WHs and allowed them to continue to behave in destructive and childish ways. BUT it is not our job to mother and raise and CONVINCE our wayward spouses to grow up and take responsibility for themselves. That is a losing proposition that puts us in the position of being their mean and demanding parent while they continue to be spoiled children. It is a losing proposition.
Oh friend, ASK ME HOW I KNOW.
Like you, I made excuses for why my WH wasn’t coming around faster. It was hard. After you’ve spent a lifetime indulging your every selfish impulse and expecting to be treated like a special spoiled child by everyone, including yourself. After getting used to lying on the regular to everyone, including yourself, in order to just do what you wanted and not have to deal with anyone’s objections or complaints. It’s HARD to suddenly be upfront and honest. It’s HARD to decide to put other people’s needs before your smallest whims. I made all the excuses for him. He didn’t even have to work hard to make excuses for himself.
In fact, instead of making excuses, he was pissed. He was defensive. He accused me of wanting to hurt him back by demanding unreasonable things. He called me unforgiving.
And I made excuses for why it was just taking him awhile to get there. I told myself he was trying but it was harder for him to do what I had been doing every single day for the duration of our marriage and put my spouse and my kids needs above my own whims.
Spoiler alert—he wasn’t trying. And I continued telling myself that he was. Sister, I told myself that lie FOR FIVE YEARS AFTER THE A until one day I woke up (literally) and had the clear thought that he wasn’t doing what I asked because he didn’t want to. Period.
And he was expecting me to give up and give in like always. He was nursing his resentments like he had for a long time and telling himself that I was angry and was taking it out on him and asking for unreasonable things. But he was also waiting for it to blow over and expecting that he would ultimately be able to continue without changing.
Your WH may really be different. I don’t know him. But I can tell you that we’ve all seen this over and over. A WS that understands that he’s caused unspeakable pain and damage doesn’t stall and negotiate and deflect. If he does those things, he’s still seeing himself in the driver’s seat, and he’s still thinking that it’s up to him to decide everyone’s fate because he’s been able to call all the shots for a long time.
It is hard for both of you to change those patterns. I really, really know this. It’s just important for us, as BSs, to realize our own patterns to. So yes, I’ll tell you gently that you are making excuses for him that you wouldn’t allow yourself. Both of you are acting like he’s a child who operates under different rules than the grownups He pays for the car and his expenses. You pay for the actual life and kids and reality that he gets to benefit from. And he HELPS WHEN HE CAN. My sister, anytime that you look at what your partner does as optional HELPING OUT instead of as an equal responsibility that isn’t special or a gift to you, there is an unhealthy imbalance in both of your thinking. I thought this way for years. And so did my WH, the other parent of my children who he "helped out with" occasionally.
I’ve written another essay here. I"m sorry. I see so much of myself in your thinking. You’ve always been the capable one taking on all the burden. You’re strong. And you’ve allowed both of you to define him as special and needing more and not as able to handle the difficult realities of the world. It isn’t helping either of you for you to continue to make all of these allowances for him now.
Yes, it is allowing him not to have to deal with your pain and pull his head out of, er, the clouds of his rockstar dreams. But I’m thinking more about what it’s doing to you. Because I know really well how damaging it was in a very long-term way for me to give my WH so much time to continue to hurt me by not choosing me and my kids. I didn’t even realize that’s what I was doing. I was telling myself that he was working on it.
But instead, I was letting what I thought was his indecision and weakness continue to do damage to me and my kids. If he thinks that he gets to take all this time to think this over after months of watching you suffer through the pain of his A, I’m sorry, but I think it’s more likely he’s expecting not to have to decide at all. He’s telling you that he thinks deciding to do what you’ve asked would be morally wrong. He’s working at framing everything as something that’s being done to HIM. Something that’s wrong and unfair.
Does this sound like he’s trying to do what’s needed? Or does it sound like he’s trying to rationalize righteously continuing to pursue his dream as the RIGHT thing to do in the face of unfair demands?
If waiting is necessary or helpful to you and the kids, then wait. Sometimes, it just takes a little bit more time for the truth to come clear to us when we’re operating in trauma. And as many of us know and I surely do, that waiting can be damaging in new ways to us. That’s what everyone is worried about for you.
We all have to get out of infidelity in our own way based on our own circumstances and strengths. What others say here is meant to help and inform you from farther down the road we’re all walking. Most of all, please hear the care and concern for you and your kids in all of the posts here.
We’re here no matter what you decide. This shit is so hard. And it really sucks. Keep moving forward.