No doubt, I didn’t deserve to be cheated on, no one does.
Although I’m certainly responsible for my escapism and anger issues, I don’t think her communication of how she actually felt over the years was ideal.
She tends to shut down or "push through" when there are problems, and I incorrectly thought this meant there were not significant problems.
I’ll give you a classic example. When our twins were born, I wanted to be a great dad, so I tried to be as involved in everything I could, including changing diapers.
During the first few weeks after birth, my wife told me she thought I was the father of the year and was going to write into some magazine to celebrate my greatness. I was flattered and felt like I was doing a great job.
A few weeks later, she was upset that I wasn’t changing the diapers exactly the way she wanted, and was blaming me for one of the kids getting diaper rash. So I listened to her and tried to adjust. It didn’t work, she said I was doing it wrong and she would have to take over to ensure there was no more diaper rash.
But now I’m no longer helping with diapers, which makes more work for her. I didn’t want that, but I also didn’t want the kids to get diaper rash or my wife nitpicking how I changed the diapers. So I just kind of threw up my hands and said, whatever and moved on.
This kind of thing has happened with us many times over the last 22 years. And most recently, as I was attempting to reconcile with her over out marital issues (not counting the cheating) I offered AGAIN to clean the bathroom every week.
She told me I could, but when I didn’t clean it at exactly the time she expected me to start cleaning it, she did it! Then blamed me for not cleaning it.
She would later admit to "punishing" me for not meeting her expectations, as she told me I no longer had to worry about cleaning it ever again.
The old me would’ve said, "ok, you want to do it? Fine, that’s your choice." and the n periodically offered to help again whenever she complained about it. But the new me understands that allowing her to take these things on will only result in resentment towards me.
So after much discussion, I win back my right to clean the bathroom, something I never had a problem doing, and have been cleaning it every week without fail for the last 2-3 months.
I don’t know if it’s helping out marriage. But I’m now doing all "the stuff" that she ever had expressed interest in me doing; including making her coffee every morning, and brushing her hair when she asks me to at night. But obviously "the stuff" was never going to make or break this marriage. You have to love yourself before you can love other people (at least that’s what I believe), and I think my wife has a lot of unresolved issues that have nothing to do with me.
[This message edited by 4characters at 3:01 PM, Tuesday, January 14th]