welcome to the last place you wanted to find. But we all understand what you are going through,
First, know that his cheating is 100% on him. It was his choice.
This is going to be a big ugly roller coaster of emotions for a long time. Generally wisdom here is 2-5 years to heal. You will not feel like you do now, but it takes a long time to recover from this, whether your Reconcile (R) or Divorce (D). So be good to yourself. Take care of your body and mind. Eat healthy, drink lots of water, avoid drugs/alcohol, exercise daily, and get enough sleep. If you are having trouble sleeping or with anxiety, see your doctor.
And be aware that there may be more to what happened. We have seen MANY MANY times that WS (wayward spouses) tend to minimize their activities— they want to tell the Betrayed Spouse (BS) the minimum that they can and still say the "confessed". I’m not saying it is true in your case, but often when two grown adults have the means … well. Just know that it is a possibility.
It may be a little gift that for you that you are not in proximity. This gives you the time and space to work through this. I understand that it likely will be difficult that you can’t monitor his whereabouts, but it gives you the breathing space you need. Please see a lawyer or three to understand what D might look like. Not to file. - just to educate yourself. By getting the facts, you will not make decisions based on fear. He does not need to know you did this. Also take a look at finances - make sure he has not been spending marital funds on his activities.
And glad to hear you are in IC. Use this time to explore what YOU want from a marriage, for yourself. What will make you feel safe.
Someone to talk to IRL is really helpful, as is journaling. Keep posting here, too.
What is he doing to help you feel safer? Is he looking to move closer to you sooner? Even if he has to change jobs? What ACTIONS is he taking to help fix himself? Do not fall into the trap where you do the solving- he needs to drive the recovery bus. Just focus on you.
Trust that you will get through this- because you will. It hurts terribly, but you are going to be okay.
Me: BS 57 (49 on d-day)Him: *who cares ;-) *. D-Day 8/15/2016 LTA. Kinda liking my new life :-)
**horrible typist, lots of edits to correct. :-/ **