What has your former cheating spouse done to make amends?
This is a good question. I'll try to answer below:
- She is the one who confessed to me initially. She said she wanted to preserve our marriage. I have to give her credit for that. It took courage.
However she also really struggled with the no contact thing for a couple of months, reaching out to him several times and not cutting off contact when he reached out to her. That only stopped after I seriously threatened D. (or at least I believe it stopped)
- She is going to IC and has been from the start.
I have zero visibility into her IC though so I don't know what is really happening there. I only have her word that she is actually working on herself. She wants to start up MC again, but I'm hesitant because I don't want to pay to sit there and have her indirectly blame her affair on me. Also I want to find a therapist that has real experience with infidelity. Our two previous therapists had zero personal experience with it, and were not even close to experts in this area.
- She often says she loves me, buys me little gifts, plans dates, wants to be close to me, hold hands, snuggle, etc. She planned a nice birthday celebration for me even though we were distant and having a hard time at that time.
This helps a lot. If she were mean or distant I wouldn't be able to handle it along with all this stuff I have going on inside.
- She installed a tracker app on her phone, and tells me about her plans for the day. If her plans change she seems concerned about how I would feel about that and calls me to let me know. This shows me she is trying.
Of course she could be continuing her affair in those locations and the tracker app wouldn't show it. Or she could be leaving her phone, and going somewhere else with her lover. I haven't seen any signs of her cheating again, but the fear is still there.
- She has said I can get on her devices, and look at her email, or messages, etc. That shows openness, at least more than before.
This gives me little relief though since when D-day happened she had throughly cleaned her phone of all calls, texts, emails, and messages between her and her lover. I literally found almost nothing at all.
- She periodically says she's sorry she hurt me, and thanks me for giving her another chance.
I think this is a positive sign of change, but it's also a double edged sword for me because of the things she doesn't say. She doesn't apologize for having an affair directly, or all the other rather cruel things she did after telling me. Maybe it's the part of the wayward healing journey that takes time, but I have never heard her say something like "I'm sorry I had an affair", or "it was wrong of me to break my promises to you and commit adultery" or anything like that.
- She is making plans for the future with us together, and doing things that align with those plans. This makes me feel like she really is committed to this process.
- She has (eventually) read the two books I asked her to read.
- She often listens patiently when I am venting my feelings to her.
This is also a double edged sword because she often listens intently, giving all the active listening queues, then sometimes comes back later and turns my words against me. When she talks, she complains that I don't do the same for her. I could probably learn better listening skills though so that one is not entirely on her.
I see her effort. I believe she is making progress in addressing her issues, though very slowly. It's a hard place to be in though not feeling fully convinced of her sincerity, and having her maintain the position that "we had a bad marriage" or "I was not happy in our marriage", and then blaming me for this bad marriage and saying I need to take responsibility for my part.
She NEVER blames me for her affair directly. She is careful to avoid that obvious mistake. But there has been many times where she indirectly blames me by saying she was not happy in our marriage, which left her vulnerable to having an affair, and that unhappiness is part my fault.